Wednesday, October 18, 2006

Refrigerator Disaster 2006

Life is funny. Freakin' hysterical.

Just when you think, "Ah, I've got my shit together: the bills are paid, the bedroom is tidy, the cabinets are full of yummy treats, the drama is non-existent," the universe throws you for a loop.

I came home yesterday, after a long day at work and the gym, to find myself embroiled in Refrigerator Disaster 2006 (knock on freakin' wood). My roommate, the lovely GP, says to me, "I don't think the refrigerator is working....properly." I didn't believe her at first, and went to investigate.

The refrigerator, hereafter known as "Evil Machine," was making a clicking noise, and then surging with power, which would noticeably dim the kitchen lights....every 45 seconds. Also, as GP had astutely pointed out, it wasn't quite as cool as it ought to be.

I adjusted the temperature settings of the Evil Machine, hereafter known as "E.M.," and decided to give it about 40 minutes before I made my conclusions.

Forty-five minutes later, we checked again and E.M. was just warmer than before, and the stupid lights were still flickering. We called the landlord. He proceeds to tell me that I have to call the repair men, and if they can't fix it, then I have to go out and buy a new E.M. I don't know shit about purchasing heavy-duty appliances, and I don't want to know right now. That is why I RENT, damnit. Anyway....

That conversation happened...blah, blah, blah. Regardless of all that, GP and I have to save our food (naturally, third roommate is in another state or some shit). So we start frantically calling all of our neighborhood friends in search of coolers (thank you, SF!). I called JD, the bartender at the local Irish pub, asked if we might be able to store our freezer goods at the bar. Since JD loves us, luckily, we were able to do so. We packed up a big-ass trash bag with our frozen food and hauled it to the bar, to store in their reliable freezer. So ridiculously funny. It really freakin' helps to know people. And to be nice to those you know.

My TV dinners are at the bar. Huh-huh-huh-huh.....

The repair dude came today and managed to fix things, at least temporarily. We have to wait for several hours to make sure the fix endures. I sure learned a whole lot about refrigerators, let me tell you!

I think the repairman (I feel terrible that I didn't learn his name) was sort of excited to have a little woman with nice breasts asking him a lot of questions. It was fun....ish.

Yeah, Refrigerator Disaster 2006!!!

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