Wednesday, October 18, 2006

Books Are Cool

I'm currently reading The Pilots Wife, by Anita Shreve. I've read a few of her other books, and they definitely cannot hold a candle to this one---where did that come from? "Hold a candle?" Huh. The first person who can explain the origin of the aforementioned phrase will earn 5 Cool Points.

You know how when you're little, you don't really, truly understand what is happening? Like, for instance, a family member dies, and you are too young to really comprehend what has happened? Yeah, like that. You go through your life, trying to explain to others what went down, and as the years pass, you realize you've got the story all wrong?

Well, Ms. Shreve does a brilliant job of verbalizing this:
"The more Kathryn learned about Jack--and she had no doubt now that she would learn more...--the more she would have to rethink the past. As if having to tell a story over and over, each time a little differently because a fact had changed, a detail had altered. And if enough details were altered, or the facts were important enough, perhaps the story veered in a direction very different from its first telling."

Books affect me and I hope they do the same for you, dear readers. Go forth and read. READ I tell you! Read!

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