Wednesday, October 18, 2006

Bluejeans, Schmujeans

So, my favorite pair of jeans has a hole in the crotch and yesterday I decided to go try to find a new pair. Good times.

I went to the Gap, and I know the Gap is a terrible store doing terrible things all over the world, but I'm sorry. I hate looking for new jeans and I have had the best luck there.

I pick out several styles and sizes, go to the dressing room, try them on, and none of them felt like my new favorite pair of jeans. One of the women working there offered to get me another size in something that I thought might work. Those new, left weave jeans are really soft and I like that, except the fact that they have no stretch to them whatsoever, which makes my thighs feel like they are being friggin' shrink-wrapped.

I told the saleslady who was helping me that I really liked them, but they are so uncomfortable in the legs. She said she had a pair of the same jeans and loves them. I said, "Yeah, but look how much thinner you are than me." And she said.................."I know."

Now, I have given her response much thought and discussed it at length with a few people and I have decided, this girl is just a stupid little brat. Stupid, thin, little brat-faced brat. She has no common sense and clearly was not listening to me, because if she was, she probably would have said something like, "Oh my god, I am not. Well, thank you, that is very nice of you to say." I mean, seriously, you little brat....why, I oughtta....

Anyway, just thought I'd share and warn you that if you are having a bad day, not quite feeling right about your life, feeling premenstrual and bloated, avoid the Gap at Porter Square like the plague. That little bitch made me feel like crap and she will surely make other customers feel the same. I need to write a letter to her manager.

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