Wednesday, October 18, 2006

On One Leg in MJLand

So, the night before last, I had a dream....

My cat was in really bad shape. His hair was thinning and his two hind legs and tail had been amputated. He was abandoned and alone and I tried to wrap him in a blanket or something?

Then, my sister DJ was there and now she was missing a leg (GP, can you recall what I told you on the porch? My memory is unreliable the day after a dream.). At least I think that is what happened, you know how dreams can be.

Whatever the second piece was, it involved a leg amputation/deformity.
So, last night I dreamt that my (married) sister, who suddenly was blond, which is definitely the wrong color for her, was going on a date with a man with a prosthetic leg.


This morning, DJ called me around 8:00. She never calls that early, so I figured something was up. She said she had had a really bad dream about me. My leg was all messed up and was getting shorter and then I had a clubfoot (one word or two? club says one, nice job, MJ). She was clearly distressed and I had to interrupt her to tell her that for the past two nights, I have been dreaming about amputations!

How weird is that shit? I think this is my brain's way of telling me that my life is unbalanced right now. I'm off kilter. I've been feeling really anxious lately, thinking I am forgetting something. Forgetting to pay a bill, call a friend, return a movie, something! Last night I went through all the random piles of crap in my bedroom searching for that thing I've been neglecting. I couldn't find anything. Something is missing or I am not listening to my gut about my life or I don't know what. It's unsettling. I think the amputations I'm experiencing are my brain's attempts to get back on my feet and face the world. It would really suck to deal with losing a limb, or one of my loved ones losing one of their limbs, and nothing is really wrong in my world. I need to realize that all is well and I've just gotta do what I gotta do to stay happy and in control of my happiness. I must seek stability and focus and balance in MJLand.

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