Wednesday, October 18, 2006


Wednesday, March 8, 2006, began pretty much like any typical workday. Well, except the fact that my sister was going to have a tumor removed from her leg....another story, another blog. She was having a tumor removed and I was on my way to work. You see, I had originally planned on going to the hospital with her and taking the day off, but my older sister brought it to my attention that our little surgery patient would be all alone the day after her surgery. So, I decided not to go on Wednesday, but rather, to spend all Thursday with her.

So, I'm on my way to work, on the train with GP, my roommate, and we are positioned in such a way that I am right up against the door at the end of the car that leads to the next car. There is, of course, a very clear sign on the door that says, "Do not lean against the doors" but I, as usual, choose to ignore this sign and press my luck. It is car number 01600, a number I will recall until the day I die. jk. I just made a point of remembering it.

Next stop, Porter Square. All is well, life is good. Next stop, DEATH!, I mean, Harvard Square. So, we are going and all of a sudden, the door I am LEANING against (stupid MJ, stupid MJ)....wait for it.....wait for OPENS!!!!!! WHILE THE TRAIN IS MOVING!!!! In between stations!!!! AHHHH!!!!

For some lucky reason, I happened to be holding on to a rail and did not fall out of the train, as you can probably guess from the mere fact that I am writing this blog and am NOT DEAD. My backpack nearly fell off the train as well. It was almost a very bad day.

I was sort of in shock I guess, because I can't really remember the rest of the ride all that well. There was a very nice man who tried with all his might to lock the door and then stood next to it, putting himself in harms way and keeping GP and me safe. That was really nice. You're a good man, Charlie Brown.

So, leaning, door opens, nearly died---I decided, to hell with work, I'm going to the hospital to be there for my sister and that is exactly what I did. These are my Chronicles of Trainia and the moral of this story is (say it with me now): DO NOT LEAN AGAINST THE DOORS!

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