Wednesday, October 18, 2006

The Good in This World

( 2/3/06)

While I was living in New Mexico, all of my CDs were stolen out of my (ex)boyfriend's truck while it was sitting in a mechanic's lot. I lost every single one of my favorite discs. It was a devastating realization to discover I suddenly owned not a single piece of familiar music.

I called my family and told them all about it and without asking, my fabulous sisters copied everything from their music collections that they thought I would like. In a matter of a couple weeks, I received by mail about 100 new CDs, including many old staples and many unknowns. I was struck not by how many CDs I now had--which by the way was more than I had owned originally--but rather, by how friggin' awesome my sisters are.

My family is the good in my world.

Other good things in my world include:

Friends (you know who you are and I love you all)



People who are NOT spatial idiots on the train and in other public realms




Cheese, cheese, and more cheese




Long johns

Feather pillows

Aveeno Chapstick

Cherry tomatoes

Pilot pens


Sunny winter days

There is much good in the world. Recognize your good and love it.

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