Wednesday, October 18, 2006

It Is As If Something Has Shifted


I was talking with the magnificent SP this evening and he asked me if I was excited that the White Sox are kicking ass. I told him that I just found out they were playing about two hours ago. I am totally out of the baseball loop. So, he talked about the Red Sox winning after all that time, and the White Sox winning after all that time---

I mentioned hurricanes, volcanoes, tsunamis, earthquakes. And now that I am thinking about it--epidemics, new flus, vaccine shortages. All of these "unlikely" events happening right around the same time.

It is as if something has shifted.

We are exploding as a species. We have reached capacity. The world, our little planet earth, etc., is equalizing. Our effects are now being documented, recorded, analyzed by our natural world. Things are changing. Natural and "unnatural". Equalizing stabilizing making right what once went wrong.

It is depressing? It is terrible, yes. Is it natural? Yes. But we created it so it is artificial. But did this world not create us? Our things are descendants of our intellect. Products of products of products. Natural disasters are products of products of products. But the momentum has shifted. Instead of creating forward...moving forward...won't the equalization be a step backward? Won't it be retrogression?

Will it? I ask you.

I answer my own questions.

I don't think so. I think that it is simply and purely a step. A seemingly chaotic completely natural way for things to occur. Is it sad? Sure. It is what it is and you can either accept it and deal or stress and worry about it.

Disclaimer: The writer does not believe her argument is an excuse for laziness, nonchalance, or non-action.

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