Friday, March 13, 2009


Things here in Germany are going pretty well. I am teaching a lot, which is pretty cool, and of course, learning more and more German each day.

Some things I like about Germany (well, at least about Hamburg, since that’s all I know so far)…

1. Lots of garbage cans on the streets. This has brought me much unanticipated joy.

2. Escalators have motion-detectors on them, so if no one is using them, they are still. Energy-saving, for sure. Clever, definitely.

3. People say hello and goodbye when exiting and entering elevators. I like this.

4. I went to the doctor (in order to get health insurance, I had to get a check-up) and the doctor’s office and her examination area were all in one room. It was efficient. I like efficiency.

5. The bread. Holy mackerel is that stuff good.

6. The cheese. Delicious and inexpensive, when compared to the States.

7. Trains run all night on the weekends. Do you hear that, Boston????

8. Places I’ve always wanted to visit are only a few hours away! Namely, Berlin, which I will visit this weekend. ☺

On that final note, I have to pack. Have a good weekend!



parowpyro said...

haven't we talked about your trash picking? do we need to have another talk?

love the escalator-energy saving.

King of Tamanegi said...

It's amazing how different things are in Germany and Japan. There are virtually no trashcans on the street here, the bread is not delicious (all carbs must be in rice or fried-chicken form), and I would kill for a piece of real cheese.

Agreed, the escalator thing is pretty friggin awesome.