Wednesday, October 18, 2006

One Step Forward, One Step Back

This blog will be a bit Boston-centric, so bear with me....

Let's talk about the MBTA. Yesterday, GP asked me if I saw the new seats on the redline. I had not. I did today, however. They have reupholstered the seats with cloth. Cloth.

What in the name of all that is holy were they thinking?????? Those seats are going to be filthy, stained, disgusting, mildewed, nasty ass holders in no time whatsoever. Why in the name of god would they do such a thing?

Why not plastic? Cheap fake leather even? Anything other than absorbent cloth. Yuck.
I consider that a step in the wrong damn direction.

At the same time they unveil these new seat coverings, they FINALLY install those hanging thingamajigees so the short people can reach the top bar. The plastic strappy things. Why in the world did it take them so long to do this? I cannot even count the number of times I've been stuck in an awkward spot on the train without something to hold on to.

I consider this a step in the right direction.

It is always one step forward with one step back with the MBTA. God love 'em.

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