Wednesday, October 18, 2006

Happy Wednesday, Bitches!

I've been a bit "aggravated" lately, according to my last two blogs, so thought I'd provide an update for all of you kind, concerned friends. I'm fine. Not aggravated today. Sort of chipper, actually. This week has been pretty decent so far, and I feel again as though I'm on the brink of something exciting and meaningful. That makes me happy.

So, in honor of the refreshing, bouncy mood, I thought I'd share a list.

**************Things That Make Me Go "Hmmmm…"**************

1. Other people's sudoku puzzles. I am "that girl" who stands and peeks over your shoulder at your game. I'm sorry, fellow sudoku-playing commuters. I'll try harder to respect your personal space next time.

2. This sore throat I'm getting. I'm not thrilled, but I am saying "hmmm…"

3. An upcoming visit from an ex-boyfriend who once broke my heart into a million little pieces.

4. The accidental misplacement of my brand-spanking-new red hoodie.

5. Friend requests from someone who used to really, deeply dislike me (or so I thought).

6. Those years of high school when I thought that someone hated me.

7. C & C Music Factory (ha).

8. Gael GarcĂ­a Bernal. ¡Me gusta!

Lists are fun. I'm in a good mood today. Are you?

Also, did anyone else see that new show Heroes on Monday? What'd you think?

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