Wednesday, October 18, 2006

Walking is Officially Overrated

So, I've decided I'm getting a bike. I love to walk, and will continue to do so, but sometimes, I just want to bust a move and can't move my short legs fast enough. I'm tired of not having any other mode of transportation besides my feet.

Those of you who know me well know that I am terrified of biking. Well, not really biking itself, but biking on Massachusetts streets. It scares the bejeezus out of me. Am I supposed to act like a car? Can you give me any pointers so I don't die? I'm definitely going to invest in a helmet, but I think I need a tutorial on the rules.

I am also not a huge fan of having my feet that far off the ground. Weird, I know. Put me in skates and I'm cool. I get on a mountain bike and flip out.

So given my bike height issues, I am in search of a little boy's bike. The kind you'd ride as kid. With a basket. And pegs. I love pegs. Any one have any suggestions where I can find something like this?

Any help is appreciated.

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