Wednesday, October 18, 2006

To Hell With Sudoku!

Argh....I hate sudoku. But I love it. It brings me such a nerdy little thrill that i can't contain myself. I do these puzzles nonstop, for hours at a time.

I was first introduced to sudoku by way of my soon-to-be brother-in-law (wow, long live the Hyphen!). I leaned over his shoulder, purposefully invading his personal space as he so often does mine, thinking, "Oh, dumbass, put the 2 there. Put the 5 there. Just put that 7 there." He complied, I think because he was afraid to disobey my orders. The puzzle became an irreparable mess.

I ignored sudoku for many months, until, randomly, I came across a site that allowed me to play online. Once I took the time to actually learn the rules (I was very confused the first time I played and thought I had to match diagonal lines as well), I realized, "Huh, I'm actually not so bad at this." I was finishing these online puzzles left and friggin' right. I was Queen of the Sudoku World and thrilled at my ability to complete these puzzles. Then, one day a couple weeks ago, I was compelled to purchase a small, cheap book of puzzles at the bookstore. And so commenced my private sudoku hell.

This stupid book is hard and I'm pissed. I'm not a sudoku master. I will keep playing, however, because I need it. It calms my brain. I've been doing puzzles with my morning coffee. That shit'll wake you up. Make you pissed, sure. But it will definitely wake you up.

Huh. Maybe that's why I've been so grumpy.

1 comment:

Oberon said...

.......sucky people suck......that's good.