Wednesday, October 18, 2006

Soggy, Soggy City

Ugh. For all of you friends who live in areas of the country which are experiencing beautiful, sunny weather, please take the time to appreciate what you've got.

Boston is rainy. And by "rainy" I mean, freakin' drenched. It's been raining for what seems like an eternity here and it is taking a toll on me and everyone I know. Don't get me wrong, I love the rain. Having lived in New Mexico (a/k/a "Desert Wasteland"), I know how lucky we are to be getting this water. But what I wouldn't give for a little time in the sun.

When the weather is crappy, I try to get out anyway and not let it turn me into even more of a hermit than I already am. It's just so wet outside that all I want to do is curl up in bed with a movie. I'm getting cabin fever.

Rain, rain, go away. Please?

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