Wednesday, June 25, 2008

Shut Your Piehole!

Lately, I don’t know what it is or why, but I keep having these weird random memories pop into my head. It’s happening a lot right now. Much more so than usual. I’ll be walking down the street and suddenly, an image of something totally nonsensical will come to me. Like, the image of a hallway in a school I was in once for a choir contest. My high school choir travelled around Indiana a bit, going to competitions or festivals, and suddenly, out of nowhere, I am picturing the hallway from one of those schools like it happened yesterday. I don’t know why this is happening so frequently to me right now, but I think it might have something to do with studying German again. The memory flashes I’m having all seem to be from times in my life when I was still taking German classes. Maybe using the language has woken up part of my memories that have been just lying dormant, waiting to surprise me. I don’t know. It’s quite odd.

I do know that I was just reminded of a story my sister DJ once told me. Years ago, one of her friends— we’ll call him Bob, since I can’t remember which friend it was— had a foreign exchange student—we’ll call him Rufus, because Rufus is a funny name—staying with his family. Rufus was apparently a total jerk and he annoyed Bob and all of Bob’s friends. Rufus asked Bob to teach him some “cool American slang” and Bob taught him that the phrase “shut your piehole, cover your face” was the hip new thing to say. All the kids were doing it. So poor Rufus would go around, telling people to shut their pieholes and cover their faces, thinking the whole time he was acting like a cool American.

Bob shouldn’t have done that to Rufus, but it still cracks me up. Well, mostly the absurdity of the phrase. Shut your piehole, cover your face! Ha.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

haha! love it. that is hilarious.