Friday, June 13, 2008

Bony Platforms are Sexy

Tee-hee. I went to see a new dentist today about getting a dental implant. (I’ve been missing a tooth since the seventh grade. My mom and sister are both missing the same tooth. There was a baby tooth, but not a permanent below it.) My dentist was, to my surprise, kind of a hottie. He took a bunch of measurements and x-rays and determined that my bony platform is sturdy enough to support an implant.

Ha! Bony platform! A platform of bone! In my face!

I think I was just feeling kind of silly because he was so pretty and he had this lovely accent, but when he started talking about my bony platform, I just lost it. Complete giggle fit in the dentist’s chair. I had to explain myself it was so ridiculous.

Tee-hee. Can’t wait until the next appointment!

1 comment:

parowpyro said...

that "beautiful man" tag is coming in handy these days, huh?