Monday, December 17, 2007

Big Day Tomorrow

Tomorrow is my first annual review at my job (been there since last January). I am going to attempt to negotiate my way to a happier salary, but I have to admit, I'm pretty nervous. I've never done this before, but I figure, what have I got to lose? I have to learn to speak business sometime.

Also, my allergy testing is tomorrow afternoon, so I will hopefully finally be able to figure out--after much poking, I assume--why my eyelids swell up and turn bright red and itchy once every few months. Is it something in red wine? That's the only thing I can figure, but I've had quite a lot of wine that didn't affect me that way, so I don't know.

So yeah, money and health. Big day. Here's to good happy things, like more money and finding out I'm not allergic to red wine. Ugh, that would seriously blow.

1 comment:

Abigail Road said...

I am now the person who gives the annual evaluations at work. I hate it. I always worry that the person is going to hate me after, even if it's not a bad evaluation, because even if I think they're doing a good job, I have to add in some constructive criticism, and some people, sure can't take it.